ACYOA Mission Trip
"You did not choose me but I chose you. And I appointed you to go and bear fruit, fruit that will last, so that the Father will give you whatever you ask him in my name." John 15:16
The ACYOA Mission Trip is a weekend-long, faith-based service trip for young adults to provide outreach to a mission parish of the Eastern Diocese and its community at large. The ACYOA Central Council revived this initiative in February 2020 by partnering with Habitat for Humanity.
2024 ACYOA Mission Trip
February 15-18 | Atlanta, Georgia
Nineteen ACYOA Seniors representing eleven parishes across the Eastern Diocese convened in Atlanta, Georgia for a fulfilling weekend of service, education, worship, witness and fellowship on the 2024 ACYOA Seniors Mission Trip.
The four-day experience led participants through a rewarding Habitat for Humanity house build and opportunities for group prayer and reflection sessions. At the end of their last work day, after an emotional closing reflection, the group witnessed a baptism ceremony for two young adults from the Armenian Church of Atlanta parish community. Concluding the service, the young adults provided and served dinner to parishioners and spent time in fellowship playing cards, chess, and backgammon.
The participants were accompanied once again by group leader Rev. Fr. Yeprem Kelegian, along with assistant leaders and St. Nersess Armenian Seminary graduates Dn. Alex Calikyan and Dn. Johnny Chadoyan. Also with the group were Jennifer Morris and Lerna Lacinian of the Eastern Diocese's Department of Youth and Young Adult Ministries.
To read a full recap of the 2024 Mission Trip, click on the below link!