Nancy Basmajian ASP Scholarship Fund
The Nancy Basmajian Armenia Service Program Scholarship Fund was created during the 2013 ACYOA General Assembly in Providence, RI, and honors Nancy Basmajian, who served as ACYOA Executive Secretary from 2003 to 2013.
The Scholarship Fund benefits young people traveling to Armenia as part of the ACYOA Armenia Service Program (ASP).
All fund proceeds go to financially supporting participants of the Armenia Service Program.
To donate, visit the Diocesan website and fill out the donation form. *Please note: Check the "In memory of" box and write in "Nancy Basmajian Scholarship Fund" if you donate online* (this is currently the only way the website accommodates specific donation requests).
If you wish to mail a check, please make it out to *Armenian Church Endowment Fund with Nancy Basmajian Scholarship Fund written in the memo*and send to:
Diocese of the Armenian Church
630 Second Ave.
New York, NY 10016
To learn more about the scholarship fund and Nancy's service to the ACYOA and the Diocese, please click here to read the letter written by Danny Mantis, ASP Scholarship Committee Chair.

ASP Scholarship Committee Chair Danny Mantis and former ACYOA Executive Secretary Nancy Basmajian